(Solved) Mercedes W203 EDC16C2 ECU problem not crank and not read on BDM

This post begins with Mercedes W203 EDC16C2 ECU problem that MPC556LF8MZP40 wont crank and ecu not possible to read on BDM, and finally solve the problem. To know how to solve this problem, go on reading.

Car model and year:
MERCEDES W203 EDC16C2 ecu 0281012451 A6461504091.

Ecu has problem with MPC556LF8MZP40.
It wont cranck untill you heat mpc little bit. Around 20C.
Also ecu is not possible to read on BDM. It cant recognize it.

What tool used to test?
Tested with FGTech Galletto and BDM100 ECU programmer

Detailed problem description:
So I found DUMPS on forum readed with DIMSPORT.
Because i am not sure that dumps are ok, i have to program them in to another same cu from W211 so i can test it on mercedes w203.
After programming W211 ecu with BDM100 in dimsport software i use external eeprom from W203 ecu and program it in w211 ecu.
I test it on car and everything went fine. Car start and no fault (checked with DAS).
After testing i use GALETTO and read w211 ecu and save files. So i have files that work.
Then i start to searcH for used MPC556LF8MZP40, and i found it in FORD FOCUS EDC16 working ECU.
I resolder it from ford ecu and re-ball it and solder it on mercedes w203 ecu. I connect it with GALETTO and finally i can connect it.
When i look better i saw that eeprom PROGRAMM and READ options are disable.
So i was thinking ok that was wrong dump inside MPC and i start with programming MPC. After programming MPC i restart the ecu and same problem.
OK i have to program also external FLASH and MPC. Maybe that could be the problem.
After programming MPC and flash i have still the same situation. Not possible to read and program external EEPROM.

Finally, Solved!!!
Problem was bad mpc. When i heat it littlebit i get access to the eeprom. i replace new mpc and now cor run smootlhy.

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