INPA error IFH-0009 No Response usually means a break down (or lack of) communication between the vehicle itself, and the laptop. More often than not, IFH-0009 errors in INPA are caused by the following reasons.

The hardware for INPA can be:
EDIABAS OBDII interface;

1) Poor quality, or incorrectly wired interfaces. IFH-0009 errors are the most common in D-Can+K usb interface leads. Often these low-quality can be badly constructed, incorrectly wired, or contain the wrong chip set drivers or come with no drivers at all!. Whilst not all Chinese interfaces are poor quality, buying cheap imported leads is a gamble and when problems occur the seller probably won’t be interested. It is therefore important that you buy an interface lead from a good quality, reputable Vendor.

2) Wrong or Incorrect Interface Drivers. Again, mass produced interfaces can often contain cd’s with the wrong chipset drivers or come with no CD at all. Without the correct (latest) USB drivers, your interface lead will not install under windows properly. Our software package comes complete with a popular driver which is compatible with most Chinese and Western produced USB Interfaces, which will often work if the one supplied from your interface lead vendor doesn’t or hasn’t been included.

3) Incorrectly configured interface lead. Again, one of the most common problems with USB type leads. When installing a D-Can or Usb Interface lead, you will need to reconfigure the Windows based com port settings, so that the USB lead, appears to replicate an old RS-232 serial port. To replicate the port correctly, you need to change the existing Com port setting of the USB interface within Windows to Com Port 1 and change the latency setting to ‘1′ and check any ‘Fifo’ box

4) Incorrectly wired interface. Once again, there is no set standard as to the wiring pin configurations used within D-Can + K interfaces, by the various manufacturers. Some interface leads have pin 8 disconnected, some have pin 8 physically linked (bridged) to Pin 7, and some have pin 7 & 8 connected individually with no bridge link. If you still have problems connecting to the vehicle, and still get ‘IFH’ style errors then you should open the OBD Socket of the lead and check the pin wiring to see which type of interface you have. You should consider trying your interface lead, with the following configurations….

i) Pin 8 joined to Pin 7 using a small wire link

ii) Pin 8 physically disconnected

iii) Pin 7 and Pin 8 individually connected to their own pins with no link.

More often than not, one of these configurations will work with your vehicle, I recommend trying it with pins 7 & 8 linked together first, as this is by far the most popular vehicle configuration.

Also don’t assume that once you have found the pin 8 solution which works with one vehicle, that it will automatically work with a different model. If you have more than one D-Can equipped vehicle, you may need to obtain a second interface lead and configure ‘pin 8′ differently.

If you don’t own a soldering iron, or if you don’t feel confident about soldering electrical connectors, then there are adaptors available which will bridge pins 7 & 8 together, without any need to open the OBD socket or solder.

5) Incomplete Versions of INPA. There are many versions of Inpa around, many of which are incomplete or simply lack the various configuration files in which to work correctly. If you try all of the above and the IFH-0009 problem still remains, then you will need to consider buying and installing the full version of Inpa which includes Ediabas and BMW Standard Tools


Real case solved by one of solutions above:

1. I have a 2004 325ci

2. I purchased the k+dcan cable from obdexpress.co.uk. It is an under-the-dash OBD to USB cable.

3. It came with what was described as INPA 5.02 EDIABAS 6.4.7. You have to install BMW Tools first, and then update. (Updating INPA, it shows a check mark next to INPA 5.01 “update,” and loading INPA, it says version 5.00 at the top bar.) I also installed NCSExpert.

4. I am using windows XP SP3 32 bit. Firewall disabled, no anti-virus. No other software is installed. (I’ve had the same problem using Win 7 and Vista).

5. C:\Ediabas\bin is in the path.

6. Installed the USB cable and set the COM port to 1. Latency is set to 1ms. There is no option to use FIFO buffer.

7. Ediabas.ini has STD:OBD as interface. It is also set so loadwinxp = 1

8. OBD.INI is in C:\ediabas\bin and \system32. COM port is set to 1 and hardware = USB (when hardware = OBD the battery circle is black even when not plugged into the car).

9. When loading INPA, I get black battery and ignition when plugged in and starting car.

10. I can successfully read the ECU. I can read and clear errors.

11. When trying to read any other module, I get the IFH 0009 No Response From Control Unit.

How to solved:
I took about the connector and pins 7 and 8 are indeed soldered together!

I verified that both pins 7 and 8 had voltage and that the connection from the chassis wires to the obd plug under the dash were solid.

I then looked closely at pin #8 on the OBD/USB wire and noticed that it was bent slightly. It was not lining up in the pin #8 slot! I straightened it out and it worked!

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