2015.12 Mercedes DAS Xentry on Win7 or Windows XP?

OBD2EXPRESS has released 2015.12 STAR diagnostic software Win7 64bit for mercedes benz sd connect c4, and also the latest Das /XENTRY software available with mb star c3 diagnostic tool. V2015.12 mercedes star software based on win7 64bit run 300% faster than XP system version.

2015.12 MB Software Win7 Highlights:
-work on Windows 7 (64 bit) or Windows XP
faster and more stable than old version
-support multi-language:
Chinese: English, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
-with 500G HDD or 256G SSD

SSD VS Common HDD in terms of running speed
(we test it on our DELL D630 PC)

boot time about 1min 30 Secs about 4 min about 3 Min 15 Secs about 5 Min
shutdown time about 20 Secs about 50 Secs about 22 Secs about 2 min
time to use Xentry test
one vehicle module
about 2 min 25 Secs about 3Min 27 Secs about 4 Min 28 Secs about 5 min 7 Secs

(Conclusion: 2015.12 sd c4 / c3 in SDD works faster than HDD.)

Mercedes software 2015.12 Win 7 version vs. MB Star XP version software
1. This Software running upon Windows 7 64 bit systems, start-up time within 1min extremely fast
2. Win 7 star software compatible with most SATA interface laptops

1. Some Win7 Star software- hhtwin can’t work for S140 Classis diagnosis. (Mercedes cars before 1998 are not available)
2. Win7 Star software can not support WIFI, so wireless diagnosis or programming is not available.
3. For the StarFinder 2010, part of the circuit diagram can’t display.

NOTE: all disabled functions above only can be achieved in win XP version.

4. 2015.12 Mercedes software win 7 version cannot do offline programming.
Choose 2012.11 / 2014.07 STAR software for online programming

2015.12 Mercedes Star Software features:
1. D-A-S / Xentry 2015.12: the automatically Diagnosis Assistance System ,Concise interface and straightforward operation with IB M high-quality computer can realize the quick and accurate code reading and the whole car system testing.
2. W-I-S net 2015.12: Workshop Information System Supply the whole view of the wiring diagram in a car,component location diagram and maintenance method. What you do is to enter the chassis number, and then you will get the manufacture data, engine configuration and the car model -all in detail.
3. EPC.net : Electronic Parts Catalog
4. ST Finder 2008:Part location finder
5. STARUTILITIES : the movement management system and self-test
6. SDMEDIA 2014
7. PL69

WHERE to get the newest software and star diagnostics?

SDD SS163-AD12 SS162-AD12
HHD SS163-D12 SS162-D12

Software in SDD works faster than HDD

2015.12 Mercedes software display:

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