As we all know, Zeitkriterium or manufacturing date is an important part of most retrofits that enables the use of Esys interface to recode a BMW module in order to activate the retrofit. And here, obdexpress guides you to change zeitkriterium or manufacturing date.
For example, some F10 models came with halogen lights and most owners want to retrofit the LCI xenon headlights for better looks and visibility. The DRL is also very weak on halogen headlights and that ruins the way the car looks compared to the xenon equipped ones.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to do it step by step.
Connect to E-sys cable and choose your chassis
Read FA and activate FA
Click on Save and give the file any name you wish, then click on Edit. Right click on the FA and click Calculate FP.
Edit the Zeitkriterium value accordingly to your needs
Calculate FP again then save
Go to the VCM tab, load the file and calculate FP again
Select VCM Master and Write FA FP
Now that the FA FP has been written to the car you can go ahead and recode your module by going back to the Expert Mode Coding tab, Read SVT to see the modules list, right click on the module name (Ex: FRM) and click on “Code”.
Wait for the process to finish and you`re done!