How to read mode 23 addresses with elm327 Bluetooth

I got an ELM327 Bluetooth scanner to read mode 23 addresses from my EVO and received the tool yesterday. The scanner looked solid and connected my car and phone smoothly, however, every time I request mode 23 addresses I got the following error:

>AT SP 6
>AT H1
>AT SH 7E0
7E8 03 7F 23 12
> 23808746
7E9 03 7F 23 80
>AT SH 7E8


I went to forums to seek help and finally sorted it out. If you get the same error message and would like to fix it, below is the solution. It works for me perfectly.

First of all, the ELM327 code reader need to be enable in your ROM obviously first.

Then you need to start a “StartDiagnosticSession” before asking for data per specification.

Select Start Diagnostic Session and get:

service id 0x10
extended diagnostic session: 0x92

And then you will get something like:

07 E0 10 92

That what I have in my code. Hope this process would work for you as it did for me.

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