I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual

Here is the I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 user manual, including
Compatible device + PCB,
Operting system,
How to activate and install I-2015 Multi-Diag,
Vehicle list,
Comparation between Multidiag Actia J2534,
Multidiag Actia J2534 - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual -
* Update news  DVD I-2015, 23 brand updates, new 5300 systems (list of updates in the Multi-Diag DVD systems from IV-2013).

Compatible device:
New I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 Pass-Thru OBD2 Device
i 2015 multidiag package 600x450 - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual
With printed circuit board
i 2015 multidiag actia pcb 600x461 - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual
English,Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Operating System:
Win XP, Win 7 32bit

How to activate I-2015 software:
1. Please disconnect the network when install the software.
2. Please follow the installation video to install the software and drivers.
3. After insatall it, pls send ID (31-xxxxxxxxxxx) to us, we will send the activation code.

How to install I-2015 Multi-Di@g Access J2534 software:

1) Install .NET Framework 4
Open MDO I-2015 software CD
Copy MDO I-2015_V33.06 zip file to Disk D
Install dotNet setup (Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup) on CD
Accept license agreement
Click Install
Framework installation is complete
Click Finish

2) Install DAEMON Tools
Install DAEMON Tools Lite
Select language you want
Click Next
Select Free License, click Next
Click Next
Click Install
DAEMON Tools has been installed successfully, click Finish
DAEMON Tools interface will run
Open KEY 099873 folder
Open KeyUpdate setup
Click Yes
Update Successful for VCI 099873, click OK

3) Activate Multi-Diag J2534
Open DAEMON Tools interface
Select Image function and mount image from D:/MDO I-2015_V33.06
Double click MDO I-2015_V33.06 to come to Multi-Diag Office-InstallSheild Wizard
Please contact your supplier to obtain your activation code. Your identified is: 31-xxxxxxxxxxx
Select setup type (region) suits your need, press Next
Click Next
Multi-diag is configuring software
Please wait until the software complete installation. Usually it will take about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Installation is complete. Select “No,I will restart computer later” and press Finish.

4) Install I-2015_SP1_33.11
Open I-2015_SP1_33.11 folder on CD
Install Setup
Enter 6-digit Serial Number/SN of your VCI interface
Please wait until the software complete installation. Usually it will take about 30 minutes.
This time select “Yes,I want to restart my computer now” and press Finish.
The computer will reboot automatically.

5) Install I-2015_SP2_V33.21
Open Software CD
Open I-2015_SP2_V33.21 folder
Install Setup
Enter 6-digit Serial Number/SN of your VCI interface
Please wait until the software complete installation. Usually it will take about 30 minutes.
Select restart computer now and wait the computer reboot

6) Install Multi-diag driver
Connect Multi-Daig J2534 Pass-Thru interface VCI with computer
Computer will detect hardware wizard
Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)”,click Next
Browse folder to C:/ACTIA/Drivers VCI/PTIG
Hardware driver install complete. Click Finish

7) Configure Multi-diag VCI
Browse to C:/ACTIA/ Multi-Di@g /AT530 folder
Click AT530cfg
Select Multi-Diag configuration windows
Click Communication Interface
Select USB- Universal Serial Bus, click Yes
Select VCI serial number
Press OK
VCI serial number registered. Press OK
Exit the windows
Open at530
Check Program Information, you will see program version, serial number etc

8) Run Multidiag 2015.01 Software
Open Device Manager-> I+ML ACTIA XS Device->PassThru XS USB Driver to check if driver is well installed
Open Multi-diag software on desktop
Select vehicle make, model, module (i.e Engine) and function i.e Injection
System prompts “Your Multi-diag subscription will end within 0 days.” Press Tick icon to proceed.
Communication interface update.
Computer will detect hardware wizard
Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)”,click Next
Browse folder to C:/ACTIA/Drivers VCI/PTIG
Hardware driver install complete. Click Finish
Check VCI interface is well connected (Device Manger->ACTIA USB Devices->USB PassThru Devices)
If the system prompts “The vehicle communication card cannot be reached, confirm to try again, Cancel to ignore”, press Tick icon.
Select the function to diagnose

Functions of I-2015 Multi-Di@g:
multi diag 1 2015 finction2 600x430 - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual

multi diag 1 2015 function 600x452 - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual
1. Maintenance
Diagnosis codes from all computers
Reset maintenance interval
Modification of the sewage
Read / erase fault calculators
Maintenance of the particulate filter

2. Air Conditioning
Diagnosis of cooling electronic
Reading settings cooling circuit,
Test servo actuators

3. Pollution control
Diagnosis of the particulate filter
Electronic control of pollutant emissions
Control of the Lambda probe

4. Liaison to the ground
Electronic configuration of the size of tires,
Electronic configuration of tires (winter / summer),
Setting valves tire pressure
Diagnosis and management of shock-driven
Calibration of the sensor angle Driving (initialization of the steering angle)

5. Body
Implementation of safety airbags (lock / unlock)
Reconfiguration of a new calculator Airbag,
Diagnosis of calculators Airbag,
Rain sensor windshield (reading and erasing fault)
Test panel and activators of lights,
Setting Xenon headlights,
Rear radar

6. Post-Equipment
Setting up the radio,
Configuration loader CD,
Setting alarms
Configuration of the coupler,
Configuration bicycle loading system

7. Braking
Diagnosis of calculators ABS, ESP.
Diagnosis and unlock electric brakes.
Flush the brake system.

8. Motor
Diagnosis of any calculator injection engine (diesel, gasoline, flexfuel, etc. ..)
Programming of injectors
Electronic configuration of the EGR valve

9. Expert Mode
Diagnosis of advanced computers,
Configuration of comfort functions,
Change the language of the instrument panel,
physical measures (option with a probe – not supplied)
Direct access to all functions of diagnosis.

Multi-diag 1-2015 vehicle list:
multi diag 1 2015 car list 1 600x452 - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual multi diag 1 2015 car list 2 600x361 - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual - I-2015 Multi-Diag Access J2534 User Manual
Compliant to SAE J2534 & J2534-1
Either RS 232 or USB interfaces to PC
K-Line ISO 9141 (100 mA)
KWP 2000 ISO 14230-4
CAN 2.0B ISO 11898
CAN ISO 15765-4

Comparation between Multidiag Actia J2534:

Comparation between Multidiag Actia J2534 
Ref SP04-C SP04-D SP04-G SP04
Name 2011 Multi-Diag J2534 Actia V2013 Multi-Diag J2534 Actia 2013-II Multi-Diag J2534 Actia 2014-I Multi-Diag J2534 Actia
software version V2011 V2013.01 V2013.02 V2014.01
VCI SN 093479 076957 076957 070340
languages znglais, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish
functions Maintenance, Air Conditioning, Pollution Control, Liaison to the ground, the Council, Post-Equipment, Braking, Motor Xpert Mode
Update No update online No update online No update online No update online
Operation System Win XP Win XP and Win7 32Bit Win XP and Win7 32Bit Win XP and Win7 32Bit
vehicle Covered More than 45 brands Models 26 car brands,3541 new system 19 models car brands, 190 new system 23 Brands, Update 5300 for new systems
1) The main difference between different version is on the cover of the vehicle.latest software version, most vehicles it covers.
2) Multi-Diag and V2014.01 V2013.02 Multi-Diag VCI enter the number automatically, but other versions should enter the VCI number manually.
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