Here is a customer solution of Carprog v8.21 with the following error message:
Unit CRC error: Delete LIB file and make UPDATE -> INTERNET
A1 OBDII adapter (resistor must be rem)
User solution:
there are two files software (carprog_v15x.exe) and device LIB file (i.e.
you should copy both files to your laptop after update compleate!!! (the same directory)
or try this:
delete LIB file (located an your software directory)
connect update server to restore it
this will solve your problem if LIB file is corrupted
I have two PC`s
1. desktop PC that have internet connection
2. laptop PC on which I`m working
to update device + software I`m use desktop PC
after update compleate LIB file stored on desktop PC is updated to, but on Laptop still not
so if you will connect your Carprog device to laptop without copying LIB file from desktop PC this causes some conflicts
User feedback on solutions above:
I was getting “unit crc error” when working with HC12 MCU. I also work on two different computers…
I deleted the .lib file and updated and it fixed my problem.