Well, I went ahead and bought the K+DCAN USB cable from obdexpress.co.uk with a CD/DVD set that included more stuff than I really need:
Software Service Station(SSS) v32 + Diagnostic Information Services(DIS) with TIS.
TIS standalone for local hard-drive install (supports up to 2008)
EDIBAS (includes ToolSET32)
INPA Deutsch and English
WINKFP Deutsch and English Versions
NCS Expert
One Dual K+D Can USB to OBD Cable (supports 2008+)
The installation instructions that I got were 46 detailed pages long and I’ve worked intermittently over the last three days trying to get stuff running. I got the TIS working fine and all the directories for the other software unzipped so I have EDIABAS, INPA, NCSEXPER all set up. Getting the drivers installed and the right COM port set for the USB/CAN cable was a series of trials and errors. But I finally figured it out.
I stopped at the point where the instructions wanted me to rename my PC to a 8-character name (that would be a problem with my work PC), install VMWare and .Net framework. I think the VMWare is needed for some of the heavy diagnostic software and .Net for NCSDummy. I didn’t see any references to this stuff in the excellent PDF supplied in the first post of this thread, so jumped over to that set of instructions because all I really want is NCS Expert.
I confirmed that EDIABAS was communicating OK with the car via the cable, but I did not have the REVTOR.PFL file with my set of software, so I found that online and put it in the right spot. I fired up INPA, NCSExpert and everything went exactly as planned! Read the module, edit the file, and then code it back to the ECU.
One spelling correction to the instructions…the reading job should be spelled CODIERDATEN_LESEN, not LESSEN (Infinitive form of the German verb to read is LESEN).
Pushing that “execute job” button for SG_CODIEREN was a leap of faith. I half expected my car to just die, but after I got the message that coding was complete, I flipped on the rear fog light and there was the indicator light in the speedo and the light was surely lit in the bumper!
(Thanks for Dave G.)