How to convert MPPS V13 to MPPS V16 V18

For those who use MPPS v13
it is possible to have MPPS V16 features in your v13.

Only what you need – just copy folders CHECK,DATABASE,DRIVES into your MPPS directory.
DEVICE DRIVER folder – that is the driver for mpps v16 cable.

password : abdo0099mhh(BIG THANKS to abdo0099)


I have not tried this yet but hoping that someone has more time than I got… So you may take a risk to try it.

And for your own security , rename your old folders – in a case something go wrong.
You should get newest ECU checksums and drivers .


But, if you don’t wanna be risky to do something with mpps software, it should be a good choice to spend some dollars on crack mpps china clone or eu clone:

MPPS v16 clone: $24 (€23.99)

MPPS V18 china clone: $96 (€94)


MPPS V18 clone vs. MPPS V16 china:

Mpps v18 wins in functions and connections. It can read and write more ecu types through CAN/ K-LINE/OBD/BOOT (Tricore boot, multi boot).

But for personal diyers, if just for some specific ecu that both support, Mpps v16 should be ok, same as mpps v18 and save a lot.



Both MPPS V18 and V16 have been tested by thousands of users. Working fine. And with good reviews:

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