UPA USB Programmer Raise Voltage from 3.3V to 3.7V

This is how to raise voltage from 3.3v to around 3.7v for a UPA-USB device programmer as 3.3 don’t read some chips and 4.8 is too high for some.



Raise voltage via UPA USB V1.3


Device used:

UPA USB V1.3 hardware test pass 100%


Reason for voltage change:

reading s93a66…. fine but wanted to transfer data to 93c66 and wouldn’t read or write on 93c66 until I set jumper to 4.8v


UPA programmer voltage:

Options in program are only 3.3v or 4.8v controlled by jumpers



Optional solutions:


Check jumper 3.3V/ 5V

There are two series diode to drop 5v to 3.3v around 5/3.3v jumper. Try to make short to one of them now the 3.3v setting will raise about 0.6v but don’t know if the voltage monitoring circuit will report a problem!
or check the variable resistor in the UPA USB programmer

UPA USB Resistor - UPA USB Programmer Raise Voltage from 3.3V to 3.7V - UPA-USB-Resistor

I read that ‘that’ was a fuseable link

It used to have a component marked N1 which was a fuse

It protect 5V power from top board to bottom board
when have the short circuit, it ‘ll change resistor first to protect other item.
After that, we need change it. can use fuse instead it


Disclaimer: You will try on your own risk!!

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