This toturial show the step-by-step on how to install OPCOM diagnostic interface VAUX-COM 120309a software driver on Windows 10, especially for those troubled with “OP-COM usb is not detected on Windows 10”.
Here we go…
Allow this app to make changes to your device
Go to Settings in VAUX-COM 120309a
Test interface
Connect the interface to the USB port, or install the USB driver
Close VAUX-COM 120309a
Opcom Computer management
Launch the troubleshooter
Again, open Computer management
Uninstall USB Serial Converter
Disconnect the internet
Update driver- OP-COM USB V2
Browse my computer for driver software
Continue installing this driver
Again, run VAUXCOM.exe as administrator
Allow this app to make changes to your device
Go to Settings
Then Test interface
Firmware version tested successfully
Apply settings
Go to Diagnostics
Successfully install Op-Com on Windows 10!!