PCR2.1 full flash (read/write) solutions

PCR2.1 full flash, which tool is the best? Here are some solutions tested successfully. Some use ktag/kess, some use other ecu programmers.


Vvdi prog reading full flash PCR2.1. Like on X17 or Smok.
l use ktag and transdata and works fine , just make sure you only unlock once ie dont play around with it

l have used kess, press tools read then unlock


Kess v2 4.036 read & write on the benchmark after unlock,not ktag or you can read thru obd with KESS..resistors boot only for unlock eeprom


Kess is working very well PCR2.1. Take ID via OBD Kess it will show you whether it is locked or unlocked.


I used the Kess v2 to know if the PCR2.1 was locked or unlocked.
And after that, I used it to see if the unlocking was done successfully.


Use Magic x17
No need to unlock or open pcr.
All via OBD now (since this week)


Read, Unlock, Write
100% perfect on PCR2.1 with FGTech 0475 Full reworked !


I did Reading, unlocking and writing with the FGTech_0475.

(but unlock in boot mode not by obd)
Everything is perfect !

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