TCU Flashing onBMW E85with INPA software

Here are some tips of how to flash TCU of BMW E85 (Z4) using BMW INPA software with a HQ K+DCAN cable or ICOM A2 emulator (clone ok).


Car: Z4 3.0I with the ZF 6HP19 transmission

Purpose:want to test different TCU calibration files on my E85 (Z4)


All should be done via a K+DCAN usb cable running working INPA software


Which SGBD does the GKE211 use? 

For Inpa, its the GS19D.prg
Winfkp uses 10flash.prg


Here is a quick and dirty INPA script I wrote for you all for reference:
bmw inpa e85 1 600x338 - TCU Flashing onBMW E85with INPA software - TCU Flashing onBMW E85with INPA software

It sets the protocol to KWP2000 over K-Line and executes the IDENT job.

If it’s unable to use KWP over K-Line, it will display a large red box indicating so.


There are a few ways to execute a custom INPA script.

For quick and dirty testing, the CLI is probably easiest. c:\ec-apps\inpa\bin\inpaload <path to IPO file>:


c:\ec-apps\inpa\bin\inpaload c:\users\rjahl\downloads\gke211kwp_808.ipo

If you want to add the script to the E85 menu, copy the GKE211KWP_808.IPO file to the SGDAT folder and then edit the E85.ENG file in the CFGDAT folder.

In the [ROOT_GETRIEBE] section of the E85.ENG file, add two lines similar to the following:


[ROOT_GETRIEBE]DESCRIPTION=TransmissionENTRY=,,ENTRY=    GS19,Gearbox / Automatic GS19,ENTRY=   gsds2,GS 8.xx / GS 20,ENTRY=,,ENTRY=    gs30,Sequential Gearbox SSG,ENTRY=,,ENTRY=    GKE211KWP_808,GS19D Ancillary Diagnostics,

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Alternatively, you could add a shortcut to the Windows desktop which runs INPALOAD.EXE and calls the custom script.


OK, done and working.

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