ISTA 4.03.21 print with pop-up dialog (customer solution)

I am reinstalling windows and bmw ista and I am dealing with problem about print dialog. My older install ista perfectly printed xps file WITHOUT print dialog window and this new one print only with dialog screen. Old and new ista are identical.

I need print without dialog xps file.

I have windows 10 pro 64bit, C++ 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 , 2015 x86 and 64bit, targeting pack, java.

ista don’t pop-up dialog window and just print a document

ISTA 4.03.21 print 600x338 - ISTA 4.03.21 print with pop-up dialog (customer solution) - ISTA 4.03.21 print with pop-up dialog (customer solution)

Install win8 – print OK without pop-up screen
install win10 again, install ista, c++, java – print with pop-up select printer. Default printer is xps.
Install new ista 4.03.31 – print with pop.up screen…

Run ista, push print button, select Print new list, push OK and open new window printer selection.
I think it’s a problem windows.



Edit: SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!


Run regedit


add key (REG_SZ):

modify to:


ISTA+ v4.03 again print perfectly.


In Attachment reg file for quick and easy modification.!FltXHA4B!TKHo-9TrdJWsOoIIwAfAc9VQ6smYGC1_UUS4DO_xs5w



(Big thanks to matiz in the CT community)

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