How to install Ford IDS + Mazda IDS in one PC

Ways to install Ford IDS and Mazda IDS in a computer/laptop:


Option 1:

One native install (e.g. Mazda IDS) and the other one on VMWare


Option 2:

Install and boot multiple operating systems using something like Boot It Bare Metal from Terabyte. Btw, I can recommend this one as it works like a charm. Never had any problems managing my partitions.


Option 3:

Have both in vmware –
you can find them on here as premade images just browse to automotive software forum then to vmware

using vmware is very easy and it has the advantage that if you mess up the program installation then you can just reload the image and be up and running in a few minuites

also with vmware you can stop it going onto the internet by disabling the VM network adapter, but still be on the internet with your computer so you can google the problem or find the file you need and then just drag and drop it inot the VM


VMWare 12.5.0 download:!s8lXyC5J!QUf2fV8yyxuKZ_oeniO18d1_7WMxADigUcUqOAhKuuA
pass: n8K684gE
it’s SCOTT’s work


IMPORTANT: the best way is to use VMware.
Some install both Ford and Mazda on real machine by install Mazda first, after that change the path of Mazda, then install Ford. But not successful by this method!


Free download Ford/Mazda IDS 109 latest version: (100% tested)

Ford IDS 109 download:

ford ids 109 download - How to install Ford IDS + Mazda IDS in one PC - ford-ids-109-download!0hoVUDTD!f2b7DFm63iyOpruc43P2iQ

Mazda IDS 109 download:

mazda ids 109 download - How to install Ford IDS + Mazda IDS in one PC - mazda-ids-109-download!8sJXAaBQ!xmuA-ADOBgz77xTuGCbTXg

Mazda IDS108 download:!kFUVjbIT!4XxxO4Dc3n8toLK0UM39xTQ3MlkUfYRL-JZPysM4Dvw

Ford IDS 107 download:!Ud8wETyB!uKd5hVxNv_Tbbqo18BUhCA

Ford IDS 98 VMware download:!QYcDALhL!O8ibp-syZzPcc99vthyhGRoQ3lUQpUHYb74d9omK_1A


Ford/Mazda IDS above tested by professional working for

Confirmed to work 100% with VXDIAG VCX NANO Ford/Mazda

You can use the link with relief!

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