IMMO Functions: OtoSys IM100 + UP400 = OtoSys IM600

This is for those need a AURO Otosys for key programming only, but don’t need auto diagnostics.


Confirmed! OtoSys 100 will be able to do the same key programming as im600


About same, but if you need to do Mercedes-Benz, you need to buy a UP400 programmer

IM100+UP400 will have the same immo functions as IM600

auro im100 mercedes benz key programming 600x450 - IMMO Functions: OtoSys IM100 + UP400 = OtoSys IM600 - IMMO Functions: OtoSys IM100 + UP400 = OtoSys IM600

With the up400 apart from the Mercedes key programming, your Otosys IM100 will have features like bmw cas4 key learning, 2015-2018 Land Rover&Jaguar Key Writing, Volvo Smart Key Learning


Most require eeprom work!


Otosys IM100 will work like Auro IM600 for immobilizer features and read PIN/CS from AUDI Q5/A4/A5 2015-2017 and learn keys to Mercedes-Benz

 otosys im600 yes im100 no immo audi 600x294 - IMMO Functions: OtoSys IM100 + UP400 = OtoSys IM600 - IMMO Functions: OtoSys IM100 + UP400 = OtoSys IM600

OtoSys IM100 immobilizer functions:

 (“X”means YES)

Immobilizer functions and features Otosys IM100 Otosys IM600
Smart Mode (Guided and Automated Key Learning Function) X X
Auto Detect Make/Model/Year/System X X
Read PIN/CS (All Keys Lost) X X
Key Learning X X
IMMO ECU Reset/Adaption X X
IMMO ECU Refresh/Coding X X
Remote Learning X X
AUDI Q5/A4/A5 2015-2017 Read PIN/CS With UP400 X
BMW FEM/BDC Key Learning and Adaption X X
Mercedes Key Learning With UP400 X


Otosys IM100 and IM600 discussion group:

Reviews, test reports from real users and experts


This is just a clarification. We don’t have UP400 programmer alone for sale. UP400 only comes with IM600 as a bundle kit.  Further information, please contact Auro official stuff. 

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