How to program a used ECU for Nissan kicks with Autel IM508?

Problem: used Autel IM508 to program a used ECU for Nissan kicks with new blade keys, it refuses to be programmed and only register them in bcm .. meanwhile when i return the original ecu and program it accepts !


Look at the error message below:

01 autel im508 program used ecu for nissan kicks 900x675 - How to program a used ECU for Nissan kicks with Autel IM508? - How to program a used ECU for Nissan kicks with Autel IM508?

02 autel im508 program used ecu for nissan kicks 900x675 - How to program a used ECU for Nissan kicks with Autel IM508? - How to program a used ECU for Nissan kicks with Autel IM508?

How to program a used ECU for Nissan kicks?

You cannot use the Autel im608 to program

You need to log into your Nissan account and pay for a subscription so u can program the ecu, u will also need to buy Nissan software for j2534 box called NERS, it cost $300.


if it was a new pcm and u programmed it then there should be no issue.

if YOU did not program it with NERS it’s not going to work.

you yourself PROVED that the pcm is the issue because the OE pcm takes keys just fine, the new pcm does not, the difference is it is not programmed to the vehicle. u need to actually program the pcm with ners while the new pcm is in the car.

like I have said before u need to put the new pcm in the car, turn laptop in, hook laptop up to j2534 and then connect j2534 to the obd2 port of the vehicle, then log into your Nissan account and fire up ners and finish the job.


I know for a FACT that u have NOT programmed that pcm to that car, u want to know how I know this? because if u programmed it with ners then u would have programmed the keys when u were programming, no need to unhook everything and then hook up ur key tool.

u can just put a pcm in a car and then program keys and expect it to work.


One more feedback and operation guide:

if it’s used one you can do it with Autel IM608 which I have done dozens of times.

  1. Go to special function under ECM on diagnostic section and write the new vin
  2. Go to NATS function in main menu on diagnostic section and select the ECM replaced and make sure you all your keys ready. Follow the instructions and done.

NERS is for updating the operating software or programming a blank module.

If 1 and 2 doesn’t work than do 2 first than 1 but it will definitely work.


What about other Autel scanners?

Also, I have tried MAXIFLASH JVCI and elite, pro and vcmi they all work with NERS.


Thanks to @ Scott Ford for his advice


Any question on Autel IM508 /IM608, please contact at

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