Car model:
2000 clio 1.4
immo issues
What I tried to do:
read a sirius 32
Tool I tried to use:
I tried with galletto 1260 but some how it doesnt read, I also have fvdi and xprog.
Working solution:
You just desolder the 29f and you read it on the bench, open ECU and read AM29F200BB with programmer(Fgtech galletto, TL866 Minipro programmer and willem).
Tools reviews on: Fgtech galletto, TL866 Minipro programmer and willem
Fgtech Galletto Reviews:
Read it with galletto on boot mode flash.
TL866 Minipro programmer reviews
If you are planning to work frequently on those ECU I recommend to buy TL866 Minipro programmer.
With tsop44 adapter, this tool is very stable for reading F200 flash fitted on Sirius32
Willem Reviews:
willem is also very good old programmer, I use one from 10 years, it is very good for many eprom and flash used in many ECU’s and it’s very cheap…