Checksum Family Manual for ECM Titanium v1.61

What is Checksum?
Checksum is the security algorithm with which are encoded files stored inside the engine control units; if the modified files you are tuning, it wasn’t signed with the correct Checksum algorithm, and the ECU will be blocked.

It is very important to know whether the device used for program the tuned file to the ECU already running CheckSum or not; Some ECU tuning tools, like Kess V2 and Ktag, are developed to calculate the CheckSum and you don’t need to buy the same Checksum family also for ECM Titanium.

Why you need Checksum Family?
To correct the Checksum of modified file using the new ECM Titanium, you must have the Checksum Family for that particular ECU.

What will happen if you don’t choose the right Checksum family?
Once you have selected the Driver for tuning the original file, the software will notify you if the ECM DataBase contains the Checksum family needed for signing the modified file. If you haven’t the right Checksum family software will shows the following message:
Checksum algorithm not available – a file with no checksum changes will be created
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If the message appeared, the software will return to the main window and the CheckSum Family box, in the Selected Driver panel, will be colored in red and will present the number of CheckSum Family to download.
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Where is the CheckSum Families?
To find out which CheckSum Families are in your ECM Titanium, you just
go in the main software window,
choose the menu Tools,
choose Checksum,
then click on Available Checksum
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a new window will open with the list of Available Checksum Families:
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available families that are stored on the USB dongle are colored green
ALL checksum families available in this cracked ECM TITANIUM 1.61
Some free versions or uncracked version on the web cannot offer all checksum families available
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those in red are not present

How to download a new Checksum family from Internet?
You don’t connect to the Internet to download a new Checksum family on your own. All checksum families are available in ECM TITANIUM 1.61 at

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