Sometimes, you need change Nissan Consult 3 plus serial number s/n, when things happen like this:
The Consult 3 plus doesn’t recognise my VI2 anymore , it show that it’s serial number 0000000
the VI2 worked perfect before and it had a SN before, i tried to type the serial number manually but it didn’t work.
To change Consult 3 plus serial, please use the link to download:!1WhA1LqR!w6lJWYtcAHFs1HP8I6S46P7CAvIE72GuCymxtMyaoc0
you will find a folder and 3 pictures instruction in it.
inside the folder there is an exe app which you will use to change/rewrite the serial but before you do that there is a folder also with a file name reqdb which you will open with notepad and edit the first line the last 14 digit and only the second digit of each leaving the 0 in place, picture number 3 will show which ones to edit and picture number 1 shows how to use the software
connect the v12 but don’t open the Consult 3 plus software while doing this. this is how I remember them doing it
Picture 1: shows how to use the software
Picture 2
Picture 3: show which ones to edit
With help of the tutorial, you’ll have a working Nissan Consult 3 Plus, without serial issues like this:
Hope I did this right and did not violate any rules, its my first time.
Good luck.