How To Enable Reprogramming Option In Nissan Consult 3 Plus

Topic: Nissan Consult 3 Plus reprogramming option was disabled (Gray)


Trouble: I tried to reprogram the ABS module for a 2009 Nissan Murano but reprogramming option was disabled (Gray). any body knows how to activate it? I’m using Nissan Consult 3 plus from the site i confirm this tool can be used for reprogramming, but not know how to


Reply: you need to edit the file DiagnoticTool.ini to enable reprogramming and also IMMO. Or if you have money to waste buy the reprogramming card and the NATS card. Add the following line to the DiagnosticTool.ini file


also make sure system management access_mode is set to 1. That should give you full access. That’s not to say that it will work if you do not have the correct calibration file in the reprogramming folder on the C drive.


good luck


Feedback: Thanks it worked

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