UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB?

UPA UUSP clone or original? Upa usb – red or green board?

Here, I’ll chip in some words of my experience of UPA USB original and the clone (green & red board).


I test in various china UPA interfaces and the interface that not block and dont need any modding and any eeprom is red one.
I test in 2 red UPA with (software from china)and works perfect. The only thing to bypass the reg is run soft and then connect UPA to USB and when ask for registration not write nothing, only click accept and run ok.


This days i make a how to. its simply.

1º install soft.
2ºcopy 3 files overwritten old.(this is the software from china its in all pages).
3º run soft.(it will run without asking nothing).
4º plug UPA(when UPA is plugged a window appear and ask for registration, in this moment click in activate).

I make a step that is use the new drivers whit UPA(in chineese pages are how to install and is what is the correct driver) but whit old drivers works too.

I make this steps in 2 red ones and works ok. but if try on a green PCB the soft kill the 24c128(if i remember well) and must be reprogramed.
The only difference between red and green is a pic that in red isn’t in mainboard and has in USB board. i think in there is any serial.



Also, I help collect reviews of UPA-USB device programmer… look here


Original UPA reviews:


Original tool is better….100% tested..


I have an original UPA USB for 150euro, shipping included.


Its ok but to have the clone if buy original then you will happy with it


UPA-USB V1.3 (Green) reviews:


Windows XP – UPA green works Perfectly!


The clone is fine, I tried reading few eeproms and writing to them – success. XP only. Win 7 not works.


I have a UPA USB with green board and I am satisfied 
for EPROM, for Motorola,
for NEC, tms


The green one is better!


the green, function very well, with adapters


Friend I bought the green, I did not have a problem, everything works ok for me.


UPA USB programmer (Red) reviews:


I did tested my UPA 1.2 red from China with some versions of software from China also but it didn’t worked. 


I have red version 1.3. I have installed software, patched all files, software does not start, gives an error. I use win7. I’ve tested on virtual machine xp, it killed my virtual machine.


I’m not able to use 1.3 on my china clone UPA 1.3 programmer, red pcb.



In conclusion:

Both red & green PCB are clone

UPA USB: Original -> Green -> Red


UPA USB programmer full version wins.


2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 5 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-5 2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 6 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-6 2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 7 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-7 2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 8 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-8 2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 9 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-9 2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 10 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-10 2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 11 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-11 2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 12 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-12 2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 13 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-13 2014 upa usb with full adaptors 3021 nle 14 - UPA USB Original or Clone? Green or Red PCB? - 2014-upa-usb-with-full-adaptors-3021-nle-14



all UPA-USB reviews from http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/showthread.php/393849-UPA-USB-1-3-clone-experiences;



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