Have collected user experience of KD900 and KD900+ remote makers:
KD900 vs KD200:
KD900 CAN CHECK THE frequency of remotes
can copy the rolling code and fixed code remote of garage.
can support smart match for remotes, in other words if come a car
and you do not know wut remotes to choose, just use smart match it will pop out the correct remotes.
KD900+ vs KD900:
KD900+’s has new features:
the possibility to clone most fixed coded garage, home alarm and car alarm remotes.
and it’s pwered by 4*AA batteries with a battery life indicator on the main screen
KD900 review:
- good:
KD900 is a good tool to have, but don’t forget it’s able to generate remotes ready for programming, it’s not a key programmer, you will need several key programmers as well to offer a good service.
- great with a key programmer for Ford:
I have the KD900, and it is a great piece of kit. But once you have created the remote, unless you are doing a ford remote, you’ll need a diagnostics programmer. I use a Keyscan and an old Advance Diagnostics AD100 which could do with a bit more software on it to be honest.
- great for Mazda:
quite a few have manual remote procedures , plenty of vag , some honda, some jag etc , but the ones that made the most for me over the years on manual procedure are mazda , great for mazda. theres alot more than ford that have manual processes .
- PSA 46 chip works:
the nb psa with integrated 46 chip have saved me a fortune and stronger than oem remotes , these you do need diag for chip but manual process on remote .
- KD900+ works great:
I’ve kd900+ and also works great, but you need good battery in smartphone – during “online” generating eat power like crazy. If you want buy better look for local dealers than aliexpress – on trade locks they sell it for about 100pounds. If you don’t need extra function like frequency meter or garage remotes cloning you can also look for kd mini – i’ve also got one and it works.
- Subaru legacy 2008:
Subaru legacy 2008 worked a treat using Suburu 02 and cutting it on hu83!
- 2001 estate, 2002 hatch and 2003 estate:
Programmed 3 astra remotes in the last 2 weeks. 2001 estate, 2002 hatch and 2003 estate with alarm. All OK
Don’t know what kind of remote programmed but the 03 with alarm was online. Probably Delphi
- Civic 2009-2013:
i use civic 2009-2013 and worked ok
- sharan with 7m3:
I made today one sharan with 7m3. Only problem was that I have to repeat procedure 2 or 3 times. Where was problem i don’t know – maybe in time between clicks or pushing time.
- 2012 Skoda 5th immo:
I programmed year 2012 with 5 generation skoda.
Also worked the vw ..202ad
- 7M3:
Today tried to make 7M3, generated like 5 -6 pieces, generate success, but none of them accept by the car :/
- Mini Cooper:
There are two remotes for Mini Cooper listed in KD Mobile app, 315MHz and 433 MHz.
- Civic:
I used kd-x2 to clone the civic
I clone it on nb multifunction, that’s why I was thinking that the remote will be cloned as well.
- Toyota Aygo 2007:
Toyota Aygo 2007 remote works ok with KD900
Tech support from obdexpress.co.uk:
use the manual procedure for the remote with KD900 remote maker:
programmed key in the ignition and switch ignition on
lock door with 2nd key manually
press unlock button once
wait 5 seconds then press unlock button once again
now open door manually , switch ignition off and remove key and test the remote functions.
if programming 2 remotes , when you do second one follow same procedure but press unlock twice each time instead of once
also make sure you are using the correct remote , on that year it may be 1J0 959753N but could also be 1J0 959753 DA or AH , and can also be 1J0 959753 CT or AG