How to update BMW Creator C310 OBD2 code scanner to V4.8

Creator C310 BMW multi-system tool has newly updated to V4.8 in Here is the instruction on how to update Creator C310 code reader to V4.8.

Operating system: Windows XP O/S
Language: English/German

1) Free Download Creator C310 code reader V4.8 software

2) Install Creator C310 V4.8 update bin file and setup exe. Open “Setup-V4.8 exe” driver.

3) Click “Finish” button after successfully installing the setup driver. Go back to main menu.

4) Connect the Creator C310 scanner into the computer via USB port.

5) Select “Update” on the function list

6) Find out the “OBD-CREATOR-V4.8-ES. BIN” file in previous folder

7) The system will automatically run an upgrade. Please wait patiently until the process is complete.

NOTE: Do not disconnect the C310 code reader during the software upgrade procedure.

8) Exit the software program and disconnect the C310 multi-system scan tool from computer.

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