Pinout on ISUZU 8971891360 (16267710 / 1.7L EDU) repair solution

ISUZU 8971891360 (16267710 / 1.7L EDU) repair solution with pinout, pictures and explanations!

Check the capacitors
Check the transistor
Redo soldering (90% of fault)
“If your Astra 1.7 Diesel with an Isuzu engine has problems starting, stalling, or just does not run, the usual problem is the Diesel I ECU becoming faulty. Symptoms are complete non start or a spurious fault code blaming the spill valve.
We can now repair this problem and get car up and running again.”
Pinout on ISUZU 8971891360 repair solution 1 - Pinout on ISUZU 8971891360 (16267710 / 1.7L EDU) repair solution -
Redo soldering
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Check the capacitor
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Pinout on ISUZU 8971891360 repair solution 8 449x600 - Pinout on ISUZU 8971891360 (16267710 / 1.7L EDU) repair solution - Pinout on ISUZU 8971891360 (16267710 / 1.7L EDU) repair solution
Type SD=BSS138N
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Check SMD Transistor
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calc pompa inj opel
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