GM GDS2 & Tech2Win working with Ford VCM2?

GM GDS2 & Tech2 Win access with Ford VCM2

This might have been answered before. I’ve searched the forum with no luck. Has anyone been able to make this work? Thank you



No it cannot works
Good luck



With Tech2win it will work 40-50% and with Gds 2 it will work 20-30%……..
Because missing Gm protocol (chip) from the Vcm II vs. with Gm Mdi…….
Go and make scan with your Vcm II with Tech2win with one Corsa-d and look with how many Ecu’s it will not communicate!!!!!!!!!1
Then go with one Astra-h then with one Vectra-c and look the same!!!!!!!!!!!





hello !! friends ..
I commented that if it works 100% as I have the 2 teams VCM2 and MDI !!!
works Tech 2 win, SPS, recalibration 100% ….


I just tested it to American ..not sure things in Europe..maybe not works because of Full different protocols

Good luck

It should be not.

Better run GDS2 and Tech2Win with GM MDI interface and use Ford/Mazda IDS with VCM2 unit


Good luck!


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