How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function

This is the how-to’s of ELS27 FORScan scanner PCB rework as the genunine ELS27 to enable the SLEEP function.


If you have a ELS27 FORScan scanner from China, you need rework the PCB same as the genuine first.


ELS27 FORScan scanner china clone– look at this

ELS27 FORScan scanner clone pcb 1 600x600 - How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function - How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function ELS27 FORScan scanner clone pcb 2 600x600 - How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function - How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function

In clones, not all components are sealed, so besides the CAN protocol is not any work. If the missing solder components, the K-line likely will work perfectly:


Detect vehicle on-board network configuration
Read and reset Diagnostic Trouble Codes from all modules
Reading of modules’ sensors’ data
Run test diagnostic procedures
Run service procedures


If you the function above is what you need, a ELS27 OBD2 from China will be a good investment coz the genuine ELS27 is three times as expensive as the clone one. Professionals tested the ELS27 clone many times and verified it’s functionality.


This is ELS27 FORScan scanner car list:

All Ford, Mazda, Lincoln, Mercury vehicles that can be addressed by supported adapters. It is 99% of models after 2000 and around 92% of models after 1996 (the year when OBD2 became a standart in USA).



But the SW CAN definitely not works that on the board there is an error, so sometimes PCB rework is necessary.


This is the original PCB of ELS27 FORScan scanner

genuine ELS27 pcb 1 600x548 - How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function - How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function genuine ELS27 pcb 2 600x501 - How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function - How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function



If someone needs SLEEP function, do as follows:

ELS27 FORScan scanner sleep function 600x400 1 - How to rework ELS27 FORScan Scanner PCB to enable SLEEP function -


Please note that by posting 300k goes to the R26 which should unsolder!

By default, the function is disabled in the very STN. For activation we send one by one command in the terminal:

STSLX on, on
the ATZ

should give approximately the following:

PWR_CTRL: the LOW the PWR = the LOW
the UART the SLEEP: OFF, 1200 s
the UART WAKE: the ON, 0-30000 us
the EXT the INPUT: the LOW the SLEEP =
the EXT the SLEEP: the ON , the LOW the FOR 3000 ms
the EXT WAKE: the ON, the HIGH the FOR 2000 ms
the VL the SLEEP: OFF, <13.00V the FOR 600 s
the VL WAKE: OFF,> 13.20V the FOR 1 s
VCHG WAKE: OFF, 0.20V the IN 1000 ms

If someone is willing to take the risk, you can try without divider. That is, instead of 150K solder jumper and everything, and to do the above in the terminal. I did that on the first board, but does not activate in the STN, respectively my adapter did not fall asleep. But it did not burnt. Wait adapter is not for me, so I can not check.

To see how the adapter is asleep, you must send the computer in Standby mode.

Instead 300k and 150k can be used with a pair of nominal ratio of 2: 1.

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