Lonsdor K518 PRO-FCV Program Nissan Primastar PIN 2 and PIN 0 Damage Solution

Customer problem:

I tried Lonsdor K518 PRO-FCV on my Nissan Primastar, but can’t communicate.

I thought there was a problem with the OBD cable? (or units.)

Firmware was updated and 2 new licenses were activated.

OBD hardware self-test was tried. Connect 12v and OBD plugs (well secured)

Error: “Damage detected on pin 2! and pin 0!”

I also tried testing without an OBD cable, but got the same error…

No pins are broken or worn.

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OBDexpress.co.uk engineer replied:
Please try the method below.

1.Do a self-test on hardware

Select Immo & Remote>> OBDII>> OBDII Hardware self-check

This function need to connect the device to 12V power and make sure the device is well connected with OBD cable.

Just connect OBD cable to device, no need to connect it to vehicle OBD port.

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2.Update OBDII

If there is a problem after detection, go to update OBD2.

Select Immo & Remote>> OBDII>> OBDII upgrade>> OBDII upgrade

This function can update OBDII program.

Insert the OBD cable and 12V power supply into K518 Pro-FCV.

Detect OBDII info.

After upgrade, go to do hardware self-test again. The problem should be solved.


Tech support:

  1. Email: sales@OBDexpress.co.uk
  2. Skype: obd2express.co.uk
  3. WhatsApp: +86 18750906257


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