(Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8








This is an excellent write-up of how to use Fgtech 4 Galletto v54 to successfully read Bosch MG 7.9.8safely and quickly without desolder resistor, on Kia cars or Hyundai with automatic transmission.


Bosch MG 7.9.8:

Fgtech 4 mg7.9.8 1 600x450 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 Fgtech 4 mg7.9.8 2 600x450 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8

This ECU is installed on Kia cars, Hyundai with automatic transmission. Operation with this computer is carried out using the bookmark M7.9.8.ECU is based on a 16-bit processor ST10F275.

galletto v54 flash BOSCH M7.9.8 ST10F275 pinout 448x600 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8



The full alphanumeric code of the marking contains in itself enough

A large set of characters and looks something like this:

PM98D442E / DGFD_836CFS2_5000, where

PM98D442E – Software ID (Software ID)

DGFD_836CFS2_5000 – Hardware ID (Calibration ID)



PM95D442E \ DGFD_836CFS2_5000

The software PM95D442E says that the P / O from the motor processor

BOSH M7.9.8 and installed software D442E.


ALL firmware COMPATIBLE only Within one software

Calibrations of DGFD_836CFS2_5000 mean the following

D – cars

G – Gasoline engine (Gazoline)


May be:

– AM – KIA_Soul

– LD – KIA_Cerato

– TD – KIA_Cerato

– ED – KIA_Ceed

– JB – KIA_Rio

– MC – Hyundai_Accent, Verna

– HD – Hyundai_Elantra

– PB – Hyundai_i20

– PA – Hyundai_i10

5 – ECU Manufacturer

3 – Toxicity standards according to the European standard (3-E3, A-E3, 4-E4, H-E4)

6 – Engine capacity (4 – 1.4 liters, 6 – 1.6 liters)

CFS- Complete set (including presence-absence of IMMO survey)

– With (D) ES MT Immo Off

– With (D) FS MT Immo

– With (D) PS AT Immo Off

– C (D) QS AT Immo

Where is the first “C” marking for HYUNDAI vehicles

“D” marking for KIA vehicles

2_5000 – version of software calibrations

On vehicles with automatic transmission under the marking of the engine block software

Marking of the software of the processor of the automatic transmission.

For example: THD2C16UB2

T – means that this software refers to the transmission processor (transmission)

HD – Hyundai_Elantra

2C – indicates the gear ratio of GP

16 – the volume of the engine with which the transmission operates in pairs

UB2 – software version


The ECU supports the programming modes:


Read / Write FLASH (using Galletto V54)


Attention! All programming commands must be executed from the computer, which is translated in the reprogramming mode, except for the “Establish communication” mode, which is used to transfer the unit from the diagnostic mode to the reprogramming mode.


This block supports read / write commands for FLASH memory of the Bosch MG 7.9.8 computer only in “on the desk” mode when the computer is in programming mode (or the so-called “boot mode”).


The correct size of FLASH firmware for Bosch ECU computer is 7.9.8 – 832 KB (851968 bytes).


Connection of the universal cable of the loader according to the color marking:

color marking 600x146 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8
11 Switching voltage
Left connector:

12 CAN-H (connected via J2534 device)
27 CAN-L (connected via J2534 device)
56 Non-disconnecting voltage
59 K-line (motor)

Right connector:

2 ECU mass
6 Power supply after main relay (not used)
84 K-line (automatic transmission)


To transfer the computer to the programming mode, it must be modified. For finalization, it is necessary to disassemble the computer and connect three red and three blue contacts on the board (shown in the figure below). White color indicates unused contacts for better orientation.

galletto v54 bosh19 600x335 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 galletto v54 bmg798 connection 600x327 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8

( Fg Galletto v54 read MG7.9.8 without desolder resistor, with this two connections)


Then you need to connect to the computer in accordance with the connection diagram below. Then you can perform operations with the computer.


for car with automatic transmission:

connector A (small) 11, 56 = +12v
59 = K-Line

connector B (large) 1,2,3 = computer weight

(just connect any of the indicated contacts)

84 = K-Line, automatic transmission


Note: The corresponding K-Line must be connected depending on what operations are to be performed (with the automatic transmission or the engine).


for car with manual transmission:
solder 1k resistor instead of 100 ohm


you need two 12+
82= 12+
83= 12+
85= K-Line
2= Ground


mg798 600x450 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8

me7.9.8 read ok.rar



To avoid problems with “falling asleep”, the computer must be filled in the unit

Modified software calibrated on the basis of “native” software, i.e.

Software ID type for example: PM98C441C (or M98C441C) in native and

Modified firmware should, if possible, be the same.

All flash players allow you to determine the ID of the Basic software of a specific ECU.

It looks something like this:

galletto v54 mg7.9.8 error - (Pinout) Fgtech Galletto v54 100% read/write Bosch MG 7.9.8 - galletto-v54-mg7.9.8-error

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