STIC FVDI J2534 error “An active IDS software license is not found” solution

STIC FVDI J2534 Ford Mazda got an error “An active IDS software license is not found on your computer and is required to establish communications with the vehicle”.

stic fvdi j2534 an active ids software license not found 900x581 - STIC FVDI J2534 error "An active IDS software license is not found" solution - STIC FVDI J2534 error "An active IDS software license is not found" solution engineer solution:

Please install Ford IDS software in one computer and install Mazda IDS software in another computer.

  1. visit:
  2. Click on “Download”.


-> For Ford diagnostic & programming software, Please download and install:

1) SVCI-J2534-Ford V1.1.5.1!6zQTgAaJ!-J6Bz7G9_P2N1IyjDeqLmFSPboAwwI8NF4vL5_2DL2I

2) IDSFord V115.01                                    

3) IDS_VCI V1.03!anBG3CZa!SyersJzW3BA_FLFuBBK-hFU2JwGNvuPuWhxrT6QZWsk


->For Mazda Ford diagnostic & programming software, Please download and install:

1) SVCI-J2534-Mazda V1.1.5.1

2) IDSMazda v115


Good luck.

More question, please contact at


Or you are looking for Ford IDS V115 version, here you can go STIC FVDI J2534:


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