Today we’re gonna use Lonsdor K518 Pro to program a new 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 smart key. Here are the original car key and new key, the original key is working normally.
- Read Immo Data
Immo & Remote >> BMW >> Select from type >> CAS4/CAS4+ >> Read data via OBD >> Read immo data
This function can read CAS and key info, check if the current car requires preprocess.
Click OK.
Turn the ignition on.
Turn on the hazard light to ensure the car isn’t in sleep mode.
The key info has been read and shown on the device.
The 1st, 2nd and 6th key positions have been occupied.
K518 Pro says this car doesn’t need to be preprocessed.
- Backup & Restore Code
We don’t need to preprocess for this car, so we directly go to backup and restore code.
Backup code >> OK
Turn on the ignition.
Enter the file name to save backup data.
Backup successful.
- Make Dealer Key
Go to “Make dealer key”.
This functon can make new key into dealer key for the current car.
Click OK to continue.
Turn on the ignition.
There are 2 ways to generate dealer key by utilizing the ignition coil or the key slot.
Choose the empty key position(FFFFF), generate the key with ignition coil.
*We suggest to save this page image that shows the CAS number and details.
Put the new key on the sensing area.
The dealer key is generated and locked successfully.
Let’s test the remote function.
The new key lock and unlock OK. So does the original key.
Everything works well.
After confirmation, the key info page will appear with the new key.
Cancel to exit.
Let’s try if the car starts normally.
We can start the car.