Ktag KTM100 7.003 TF card repair methods

How to deal with TF card when programs/files there cannot work well.

Fisrt of all, download KTAG KTM100 TF card fix zip file
KTM100 V2.13 software
NOTE:The link has expired,Pls contact with Email: sales@OBDexpress.co.uk to get software file


Here is the instruction on how to fix Ktag KTM100 7.003 TF card.

main steps:
Step 1- replace folder “KTM TF fix”
Step 2 – move disk image file “KTM” to D:
Step 3- format TF card
Step 4 – write via Win320 Disk Image
Step 5 – Run KTM100 and test

The video below is to tell you how to do step by step,You can follow it to repair KTM100 7.003 TF card.

How to fix Ktag KTM100 7.003 TF card Video:

FREE DOWNLOAD: V2.13 KTM100  K-TAG KTAG supported vehicle list

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