VVDI2 VAG make new dealer key for 5th immo vag


It’s vvdi2 manual of how to use VVDI2 VAG to make a dealer key for vag vehicles with the 5th immobilizer system.


Type: VAG 5th immo transponder or OEM key


Cars: A4 (2009-), A5, Q5, A6 (2012-), A7, A8(2011-), Touareg (2011-)



If you want prepare a new dealer key, you must know the total 16 bytes CS. So we need read BCM2 data from BCM2 module (J393)


Step 1: Choose a method to read BCM2 data

so far, most cars support read BCM2 data via OBDII (Add key and lost all key all support). (No. 1), read BCM2 need enter service mode, the cluster may become dark under reading.


Useful tips:

– Error “read data length error” in OBD read method:

you need read BCM2 data with 5th BDM Programmer (No. 2)


– OBD Read BCM2 for lost all key:

It need disconnect BCM2 power (2 interfaces) for a few seconds. Just follow program message


– Fail to read BCM2 data:

Under OBD Read BCM2 for lost all key process, if cannot read BCM2 data after disconnect power or you get disconnect power for next time read, this type may not support OBD read without working key, you need read BCM2 data with 5th BDM Programmer


– switch OFF or ON:

Before you read BCM2 via OBDII, you’d better switch OFF/ON ignition again, Keyless cars press START/STOP button again to switch ON. Else may enter lost all key mode, of course, if reading success, it is also right BCM2 data


– How many times to read BCM2 data:

BCM2 data is always for the same car. So you only need read one time. As long as you have the BCM2 data, you don’t need to read again, no matter key learn, no matter when



BCM2 (J393) module position


BCM2 (J393) module remove plug

BCM2 J393 module remove plug 600x423 - VVDI2 VAG make new dealer key for 5th immo vag - VVDI2 VAG make new dealer key for 5th immo vag


introduction for 5th BDM Programmer


BCM2 (J393) front connect line

BCM2 J393 front connect line 600x421 - VVDI2 VAG make new dealer key for 5th immo vag - VVDI2 VAG make new dealer key for 5th immo vag


BCM2 (J393) back connect line

BCM2 J393 back connect line 600x422 - VVDI2 VAG make new dealer key for 5th immo vag - VVDI2 VAG make new dealer key for 5th immo vag



Step 2 – Verify key lock status with the “Check Key Status” button (No. 3)

Check key is locked or not, is keyless key or not. For there are many OEM keys on the market, keyless key result may not accurate


Step 3 – Make Dealer Key (No. 4):

Click on “Prepare dealer key”

Request load BCM2 data (step 1)

Put the programmable key into VVDI2 key programmer

Prepare the dealer key and wait complete


Useful tips:

– key is locked:

After making key successfully. The key is not locked before you learn it. So you can make key for other cars before key learning. Once learn the key, it locked


– need a working key or not:

Make key for A4/Q5/A5 don’t need a working key

Make key for A6/A7/A8/Touareg need a working key

(if you don’t have working key, the keyless function will not work )


– make OEM keys:

You can unlock the locked OEM key in “Transponder Programmer->Other Key Tool”. (Most OEM keys is not support unlock, it can be prepared again with lock status, then learn it as normal). If the OEM keys support change ID, you can make an OEM key, the method is same as 4th immobilizer cluster OEM key, select one original key position and continue


Step 4 – key learning through VVDI2 VAG (No. 5)

Connect the VVDI2 VAG commander to the car,

Prepare all the key for this car

Insert one key to the switch ignition

Input the key number you want to learn

Click on “key learning”

Request load BCM2 data (step 1)

Complete the key learning


At the last, you will get a message insert every key to learn, don’t press “OK” until you get message “Learn key success” at the bottom. If you press “OK” before that message will cause key learn failure. When you get that message, the cluster will show “x-y”, “x” is the learned key number and “y” is the total learning number. If you learn 2 keys, first will show 0-2, after learn 1 key, it show 1-2, after learn 2 keys, it show 2-2. After success learn key, it will show KM


Step 5 – Alarm ON:

Open the immobilizer alarm, you are advised to open it after key learn


Step 6 – Alarm OFF:

Close the immobilizer alarm

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