How OBDSTAR X300DP Program Keys for Hyundai Mistra 2016?

Newest OBDSTAR X300 DP tablet key programmer (diagnostic tool) comes with standard version and full version. Here i will teach you how to program keys for Hyndai Mistra 2016.


Tool used: OBDSTAR X300 DP tablet key programmer full version


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Procedure as follows:

Connect X300DP with Mistra

Press “START” button of Mistra to turn ignition on

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Choose “immobilizer” function

Click “Hyundai” on the main menu

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Choose “Hyundai V20.24” and click YES to continue

Select “Beijing Hyundai” -> “Car model” -> “Mistra”

Then click “immobilizer”

After that, press “START” button of Mistra to turn ignition off and click YES to continue

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It is communicating…

Then input the security code

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Confirm the input value

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Next, click “ENTER” and use the top of the new remote key to press car “START” button for 5 seconds. The security light will be flashing.

Note: This step shoud be done after click “ENTER” within 5 seconds

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Program success! Whether to program next one?

Click No to exit.

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Done! These are all steps to program immo keys for Hyundai Mistra. For more functions and informations about X300 DP, pls click the link to check:



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