Launch X431 vs Launch M-Diag vs Easydiag



Launch X431 scan tool, Launch M-Diag, Launch Easydiag, which best?


Launch X431 or Launch Easydiag? 


Lauch x431 is better than easy diag. If you really want one cheap with some bi-directional control a DS150e chinese clone is ok but you’ll need to set it up on a laptop.


I’d recommend Easydiag and Vlads Software 1 year update . It gives you id say 95% of what real x431 xpro3 can , i’m speaking about basic functions that original would have that cracked easydiag to xpro3 wouldn’t have 1 or 2 .

you can make easydiag xpro3 with dongle and software for 1/10th cost of what original x431 xpro3 costs .


with easydiag and vlad’s software, you can do actuator testing on most vehicles yes but limited only to what the vehicle u are testing has .


i have Original Launch X431 full and easydiag Vlads work 1 to 1
this Delphi ds150 e is full shit not have special function only live data and errors
I have for each car brand dealer unit !!!
before 1 year i work with TEXA this device is full full shit !!!
buy Launch! It works very well !!!



So, Launch x431 wins! For launch x431 scan tools, 2017 launch x431 v 8 inch tablet should be the most cost-effective among x431 series. This is why:



Launch M-Diag or Launch Easydiag?


  Launch X431 Easydiag 2.0 Launch M-Diag Lite
Product original launch easydiag - Launch X431 vs Launch M-Diag vs Easydiag - original-launch-easydiag launch m diag lite - Launch X431 vs Launch M-Diag vs Easydiag - launch-m-diag-lite
Price €59  €85
Apple IOS
Generic OBDII check
I/M check
Actuation test  
4 systems diagnosis

(Engine, transmission, ABS, SRS)

FULL systems diagnosis

incl. bl-directional capabilities

IMMO & key programming
Oil / service reset
Brake pads
Battery matching
ABS bleeding
TPMS reset
Throttle body adaption
Steering angle reset
DPF regeneration
Injector coding


So, Launch M-diag Lite wins!  €85 not only covers X431 easydiag 2.0 and Golo easydiag+ (four+full systems diagnosis); but adds new special functions incl.Oil / Service reset, ABS bleeding, IMMO & key programming, throttle body adaptation, brake pads, steering angle reset, battery matching, DPF regeneration, Injector coding.



Launch X431 or Launch M-Diag or Launch Easydiag


For DIYers,


Launch M-Diag Lite OBDII code reader is much more powerful than Launch X431 Easydiag 2.0 and Golo Easydiag+. It not only excels in basic obdii diagnosis but special functions and actuation test


Launch M-Diag Lite details:

-Price: €84.95

-Language: English, Chinese, Spanish, French

-Car list: supports the generic OBD, CAN bus, and proprietary protocols of over70 car manufacturers and2, 500 car models


For garage repair work,


2017 Launch X431 V 8 inch pad is a good budget for reasons as below:

-Cheaper (€675) but more powerful than other launch x431

-Special functions available

-Full vehicle coverage: Brazilian, Indian, Chinese Australian, cars…

-2017 New vehicle support: BMW

-2017 New vehicle support: Toyota

-VW online programming without German server


Launch M-Diag Lite details:

All you wanna know about launch x431 v can be found at



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