DAS/Xentry Sim Error: No language defined (solved)

Here has some FAQ about DAS/Xentry software:

Q: I have problem with Xentry Sim 11.2011, when it launch Sim DAS -> No language defined!
How to fix it ?
A: Place DAS SIM and DAS Shortcuts on desktop:
DAS shortcut target as: F:\Programme\DAS\bin\DAS32R2.exe -len
And for DAS SIM Target as: F:\Programme\DAS\bin\simdas.exe -*CALsimu -*ctxtsim.sli -*nolog -*len

Q: do you have DAS32R2.exe for 11.2011. I launch ORG DAS32R2.exe say Star DAS via Xentry
A: you can use xentry sim
no worries
starting 05 2011 das execute under xentry
if u insist to use das standalone, then use 01 2011 or 2010 version as Patrian said.
why you should looking for difficult ways
there are some reason why miss daimler developed xentry and merge Das inside it.
best wishes

Q: I want to use SimDAS
Of course I launch Xentry Sim first but when I choose C Class (203). SimDas is executed but ” No language defined! ” and not run
A: It seems that the installation not going perfect.
you must passed all the installation ways to finish button.
And the nature junction folder “Üserdata”from C to F will be created itself
when you have a good installations steps.
no need to use any junction method. :tdown:
the folder Userdata in F:\ will be seen as a book folder, a little different than C:\.
take a notice on that as Patrian said above.
anyway wish u a good booobieeess
there you go … M8 ….


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