Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?








Lonsdor K518ISE, CGDI Prog BMW, Xhorse VVDI2, Yanhua BMW FEM/BDC key programmer all are verified to program FEM/BDC key without issues. But which tool is best for BMW FEM BDC key programming?

Look here and you’ll know all:

bmw fem bdc key programmer 600x177 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

1. Lonsdor K518ISE program BMW FEM BDC key

2. CGDI Prog BMW  program FEM key
3. Xhorse VVDI2 BMW do coding/programming to FEM BDC
4. Yanhua BMW FEM key programmer add a new key


lonsdor k518ise fem bdc key programmer - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - lonsdor-k518ise-fem-bdc-key-programmer

1. How to use Lonsdor K518ISEto program BMW FEM BDC key?

Three steps: read key info–>pre-process FEM/BDC system–>make a dealer key

In details…


Step 1: read key info

MUST read key information first


Step 2: pre-process FEM/BDC system



1: OBD back up original coding data:

On the car or test platform, connect to FEM/BDC system, then back up original back up coding files

2: read out EEPROM backup data & generate a service-mode EEPROM:

-> Disassemble FEM/BDC module, find out chip 95128 or 95256, read EEPROM data using a ECU programming tool: VVDI-Prog, Orange5 and the like;

->Copy the EEPROM data into to the Lonsdor K518ISE customfile folder;

->Run the program, read original EEPROM data and generate a service-mode EEPROM, upload data of the service-mode EEPROM, write it into chip 95128 or 95256 with help of a ECU programmer

->Restore FEM/BDC system, supply battery to the car and connect


3: programming

->This step need to be done on the BMW FEM/BDC test platform;

->Make sure that Step 1 & 2 is finished

->Connect FEM/BDC system to power supply and connect


4: restore EEPROM data

-> disassemble FEM/BDC module, write original EEPROM data (Step 2) into chip 95128/95256

-> restore FEM/BDC system, connect to OBD

Lonsdor K518ISE program BMW FEM BDC key 1 600x227 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

5: restore coding data

-> load the backup coding files (Step 1), restore coding information


6: pre-processing is complete.


Step 3: make a dealer key


1: Lonsdor K518ISE read out data, select the will-be key position

2: a “used”key to make a dealer key

All keys lost: enter 32bit ISN codes to make a dealer key

3: put the key near the car immo induction loop

Lonsdor K518ISE program BMW FEM BDC key 2 600x220 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

4: detect the original key, read out immo data

5: put a new key near the car immo induction loop

6: detect the key key, key learn (don’t move the key, keep stable)

7: key learn is complete


Step 4: disable the key


1: Lonsdor K518ISE read out data, select the key ID position to disable

2: put a “used” key near the car induction loop

3: K518ISE system tries to connect to CAS, disable the key with current ID position, disable key successfully


Step 5: enable the key


1: Lonsdor K518ISE read out data, select the key ID position to enable

2: put a “used” key near the car induction loop

3: K518ISE system tries to connect to CAS, enable the key with current ID position, enable key successfully


Step 6: delete the key


1: K518ISE read out data, select the key ID position to delete

2: read FEM/BDC key password

3: delete the key successfully; the key position is blank



1: You must read key info before everything you’ll do

2: to pre-process FEM/BDC, you should pay attention to:

– backup coding codes to continue

– disconnect to the power supply/battery, have a ECU programmer to read EEPROM data, up load data in K518 customfile folder, read new EEPROM data loaded just now, generate service-mode EEPROM data, read service-mode EEPROM data, write data into the chip, install CPU on the car

– ECU programming: need 6 min, with power supply connected

– disconnect to the power supply, disassemble CPU, write the original EEPROM data into the chip, install CPU on the car, connect to the power supply, make sure communicate is successful

– upload coding files (Step 1), restore original coding info to pre-process, then make a dealer key

3: 32bit ISN codes is required to program a new key when ALL KEYS ARE LOST


Job’s done with Lonsdor K518ISE!


cgdi prog fem bdc key programmer bmw - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - cgdi-prog-fem-bdc-key-programmer-bmw

2. How to use CGDI Prog BMWto  program FEM key
Go to BMW Key Match

CGDI BMW FEM program 1 600x415 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

The current FEM/BDC needs to update the ECU program before performing key matching. Please ensure that the car battery has enough power, the programming process, please keep the equipment cable connection

CGDI BMW FEM program 2 600x409 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Please remove the FEM/BDC and then use the CGDI Prog programmer to read and save data from the P5XXX EEPROM chip on the FEM/BDC computer board, then click on Next

CGDI BMW FEM program 3 600x413 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Read the original car EEPROM data file


CGDI BMW FEM program 4 600x399 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? CGDI BMW FEM program 5 600x406 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? CGDI BMW FEM program 6 600x412 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Use the CGDI Prog BMW to write the calculated new data to the 95XXX EEPROM chip, then put the FEM/BDC back into the car, thn click on Next

CGDI BMW FEM program 7 600x398 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Car battery voltage: 11.93V

Prepare the programming ECU

Security authentication is in process

Safety certification through

The ECU is being programmed

CGDI BMW FEM program 8 600x404 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Please remove the FEM/BDC and then use the CGDI Prog programmer to read and save data from the P5XXX EEPROM chip on the FEM/BDC computer board, then click on Next

CGDI BMW FEM program 9 600x388 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Setting code

Coding is successful


CGDI BMW FEM program 10 600x393 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? CGDI BMW FEM program 11 600x384 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

FEM/BDC key matching need to enter engine ISN, please select the way of input ISN code

CGDI BMW FEM program 12 600x416 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?


KWP-CAN 500kbps connection is successful

CGDI BMW FEM program 13 600x429 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Loading the code data file


CGDI BMW FEM program 14 600x403 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? CGDI BMW FEM program 15 600x406 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? CGDI BMW FEM program 16 600x426 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Coding is successful


xhorse vvdi2 bmw fem bdc program - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - xhorse-vvdi2-bmw-fem-bdc-program

3. Xhorse VVDI2 do coding/programming to BMW FEM BDC
MW FEM/BDC Coding/Programming with VVDI2 full kit 4.3.0

vvdi2 bmw fem programming 2 600x417 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

step 1:

  1. read FEM/BDC coding on the bench
  2. you’d better not close this window after starting this procedure


step 2:

  1. open FEM/BDC shell, find out where the 95128/95256 chip is, read EEPROM dump via BDM programmer
  2. load original EEPROM dump and save special EEPROM dump, write special EEPROM dump back to the 95128/95256 chip
  3. restore FEM/BDC shell, provide -12v and connect it


step 3:

  1. this operation requires connecting FEM/BDC on the bench, and make sure you finish step 1 ans step 2


step 4:

  1. open FEM/BDC shell, write original EEPROM dump (read step 2) back to the 95128/95256 chip
  2. restore FEM/BDC shell and connect it


step 5:

loading coding file (read step 1), write to FEM/BDC , finish FEM/BDC programming



Attention please!!!

– You can directly backup/restore coding

– You have to pre-setup the FEM/BDC module before deleting/adding keys or resetting keys

– You’ll be told other tools need to be used first to program the FEM/BDC system, then setup FEM/BDC via VVDI2. It happens when you do FEM/BDC key learning, and you don’t have a working software version

– You’d better not close the VVDI2 interface when you pre-setup FEM/BDC

– You need do with 95128(FEM) or 95256(BDC) chip when pre-setup FEM/BDC

Note: there are two 8-pin chips; do not disassemble the wrong chip; better refer to the wiring diagram

– You must restore original EEPROM data, restore coding when pre-setup FEM/BDC. If you fail to restore coding or the remote cannot start or something wrong with the window (or other failures probably) after coding restore and FEM/BDC installation, please use other tools to do re-coding FEM/BDC

– Ask tech support @obdexpress.co.uk for help, if the replay sounds continuously after supplying power to the FEM/BDC. Usually, it needs programming.


yh bmw fem key programmer - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - yh-bmw-fem-key-programmer

4. Yanhua BMW FEM key programmer add a new key
There are 5 steps for you to have Yanhua BMW FEM/BDC programmer add/program a new key.


Step 1: backup (read) coding data

Step 2: update/program ECU

Step 3: program/learn (add) key

Step 4: restore (write) coding data

Step 5: delete keys disabled


Step 1: backup (read) coding data


Cut off the power supply

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 1 600x336 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Disassemble FEM


Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 2 600x334 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 3 600x347 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Take photos before you disassemble the FEM for correct fuse location

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 4 600x334 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Take apart the IC chip to read and save data


Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 5 600x336 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 6 600x348 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Desolder the IC chip on the programmer board

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 7 600x334 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Run CKM100 car key master softwareYanhua Auto Master Series to read data

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 8 600x337 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Go to Specialized programmer, then IC chip: 95128

Read and save original 95128 EEPROM data

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 9 600x338 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?


Then back to BMW FEM/BDC programmer software

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 10 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(10)

Open the original 95128 data and write to generate new data

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 11 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(11)

In Yanhua Auto Master Series, restore data

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 12 600x341 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Write data successfully

Then desolder the IC chip to the FEM board

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 13 600x340 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Then install the FEM to the car


Step 2: update/program ECU


Update ECU for 30min around

Voltage should not be lower than 13.0v

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 14 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(14) Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 15 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(15)


Step 3: program/learn (add) key


Restore the original data with CKM100 car key master software

Install FEM and recover vehicle voltage

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 16 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(16)

Put the working key here and read ISN codes

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 17 600x335 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?

Record the working key ID to avoid deleting the incorrect keys

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 18 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(18)

Delete the key used

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 19 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(19)

Learn a new key

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 20 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(20)

Put he new key here for key learning


Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 21 600x334 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 22 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(22)



Step 4: restore (write) coding data


Write coding data successfully

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 23 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(23) Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 24 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(24)

Successfully programmed a new key

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 25 600x338 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC?


Step 5: delete keys disabled


DO NOT delete the working key

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 26 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? - Yanhua-bmw-fem-programmer-add-new-key-(26)

Deleted keys disabled

Yanhua bmw fem programmer add new key 27 - Which tool is best for OBD programming BMW FEM/BDC? -


Success!! Yanhua BMW FEM/BDC key programmer programmed a new key.



In summary,

all tools above (Lonsdor K518ISE, CGDIBMW, VVDI2, Yanhua BMW FEM/BDC key programmer) can work good in FEM/BDC programming. So, Lonsdor K518ISE vs CGDI BMW vs Xhorse VVDI2 vs Yanhua tool, which best for program BMW FEM/BDC? it depends on your budget and future use.


For BMW only:CGDI Prog BMW or Yanhua BMW FEM/BDC key programmer

For VAG+BMW: Xhorse VVDI2 is the best solution.

For universal key programming: Lonsdor K518ISE key programming machine never fails.


CGDI BMW price: €539

Yanhua FEM/BDC programmer price: €449

Lonsdor K518ISE price: €1,025

Xhorse VVDI2: €1,735


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