KD-X2 Key DIY App Tutorial for Newbies

This KeyDIY tutorial from members that have mastered the KD remote generating, kindly post a how-to’s here successfully generating and coding the remote from start to finish.

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First you need to know which is the correct remote profile to generate.


Who did you buy the KEYDIY KD-X2 device through? You should also have the kd software which identifies the correct remote.
Search remote by car or remote type on kd software, select correct remote from your stock, plug it into urg machine and select the remote that was identified in kd software. Now generate remote via urg. Now you will need to add remote to car either through onboard procedure or diagnostic depending on vehicle. Not all of them are the same.
Use your wholesaler as a reference. (If that’s who you bought it through)


How do you know for sure that you’ve chosen the correct remote on the software:

look for identifying features, numbers etc.

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So, this is the hyundai load key with the matching remote on kd software

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also if you place original remote on urg and read remote then it will also tell you which remote to use too.


Keydiy price: http://www.obdexpress.co.uk/wholesale/keydiy-kd-x2-remote-unlocker-cloning.html

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