2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M

How-to:2012 Land Rover Discovery 4  Odomter Correction via OBD using OBDSTAR X300M 

Simple to use:

 Video demo:

Old kilometer value: 153503KM.

obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 01 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M


Hook obdstar X300M up to Discovery 4 via OBD, choose “Vehicle”.

obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 02 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M


Cluster Calibration.

obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 03 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M


Land Rover, then Discovery 4.

obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 04 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 05 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 06 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 07 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M


Mileage adjustment

obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 08 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 09 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M

Please input the mileage of adjustment directly.

obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 10 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 11 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 12 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M


Adjustment complete.

obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 13 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M

Get new mileage value on the dashboard.

obdstar x300m on 2012 land rover discovery 4 obd cluster calibration 14 600x337 - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M - 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 OBD Odomter Correction With OBDSTAR X300M



obdstar X300M is good and fast to correct mileage for 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 via OBD2.


OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS also supports 2012 Land Rover Discovery 4 odomter correction via OBDII,here is the video demo below:


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