Where to purchase a working Cheaper witech micropod clone

Here is the Micropod 2 clone experience from @2015DShemion on ramforum.com.


To elaborate the details in his tone: 

Time back to 07-27-2017:

I was looking to purchase a wiTech MicroPod 2 Tool but it is hard to justify the cost of the oem version for just my 2 Chrysler vehicles, a 2015 WK 3.6L (wife) and a 2015 DS 5.7L (me).

My question is, has anyone here purchased any of the various micropod clones and if so, what degree of success have you had with things like flash programming, general diagnostics, obd mode 8 stuff like abs bleeding?

I wouldn’t mind spending the $500 if the clone tool works, I just don’t want to be the guinea pig 🙂

I’ve looked at a lot of the aftermarket tools and they are all far more expensive than the clone and probably don’t have the same Chrysler coverage as the witech micropod.


Soon I got good suggest:

I have a friend that has the WiTech pod2 and works great. He said it’s OEM. has the link. Hang on.. He said you still need a pin to get into the BCM, but the Ram doesn’t change.

He said he paid the $209 and the witech software is packed together.

V17.03.01 wiTech MicroPod

sp271 c1 - Where to purchase a working Cheaper witech micropod clone - Sp271 C1


I just ordered one… Will let everyone know how it works out.



Ok, so here’s an update… the kit shipped directly from China and arrived in a few days. The Micropod clone itself appears to be reasonably high quality but there are obvious differences from the OEM version: no lanyard, no wi-fi, no metal clip on the OBD 2 connector, etc. The firmware that mine came with was v2.4.1.


I followed the directions that came with the kit (albeit in somewhat fractured English) and upon starting the wiTECH software, I got a “device with serial number XXX-XXXXX is not registered” error message.


The company that sold it to me said the copy of wiTECH was destroyed somehow and that I needed to buy a “wiTECH hdd” from them for a small additional fee. Not entirely sure what that would be but I worked around the problem before I got their reply. Long story short, I am a computer guy so I spent a couple of hours messing around with the software and the computer it was installed on and was able to get around the issue.


I connected wiTECH micropod to my 2015 DS and my wife’s 2015 WK with no issues. I disabled the side view mirror tilt in reverse on her WK (only thing she didn’t like about it) and she was thrilled. There are functions to bleed ABS, program tire sizes, etc. There are literally hundreds of sensor readings, dozens of tests, actuators and misc functions that you can perform that seem to be very vehicle specific – which you would expect. Every switch/gadget in the vehicle seems to have a corresponding sensor reading of some kind in the software. The only odd behavior I saw was when I connected to the ABS computer of my DS… the EVIC freaked out and started screaming to service the ABS. Maybe that is a safety feature of some kind so folks don’t go driving while messing with the ABS computer? Powering the vehicle off and on again made the ABS warning go away. I could not find any “PROXI alignment” functions – maybe they don’t apply to my vehicles?


I did not try flashing anything as I don’t have a good enough reason to sign up for a time-limited TechAuthority subscription at the moment but next time I do, I’ll give it a shot. At the very least, it will be nice to be able to go to the dealer next time and tell THEM which modules need updating (wiTECH lets you print an ECU report) because whatever point-of-sale software the advisors use doesn’t always tell them when an update is available. For example, my PCM is on an AE revision but TechAuthority said that AF is available (and has been since before my last dealer visit)


Your mileage may vary but this was $150 well spent in my eyes.

I’ve done a considerable amount of research on this software and it appears that as of the 17.04.27 P4 patch level, the wiTECH 1.0 system has been EOL’ed for all CAN bus vehicles – forcing you to use the 100% web-based wiTECH 2.0.

wiTech MicroPod 2 connect to chrysler - Where to purchase a working Cheaper witech micropod clone - WiTech MicroPod 2 Connect To Chrysler

wiTech MicroPod 2 03 - Where to purchase a working Cheaper witech micropod clone - WiTech MicroPod 2 03

If you decide to move forward with the Micropod clone, you will need to block the P4 update (or find a way to block the “diagnostic.js” file that does the check) or the software will kick you out seconds after opening the vehicle topography.


Once the update is blocked, it works fine – confirmed up to the 2015 MY


Again, thanks @2015DShemi http://www.ramforum.com/f8/witech_micropod_clone-106968/


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