Autel IM608 2010 BMW 328i AKL OBD Cas3++ ISTAP Success

Success: Autel MaxiIM IM608 program key for 2010 BMW 328i when all keys lost via OBD Cas3++ ISTAP.

autel im608 2010 bmw 328i akl obd cas3 istap 01 - Autel IM608 2010 BMW 328i AKL OBD Cas3++ ISTAP Success - Autel IM608 2010 BMW 328i AKL OBD Cas3++ ISTAP

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There are some questions and answers following, I think everyone is very curious.

Q: On istap is it posible to do 64attemps or no?

Im not sure if 64 is only for cas3++

A: 64 time. Vehicle fired up on the 51 time.

Kept vehicle running for 15 minutes and sync DME 10 times


Q: Which stabilizer did you use?

A: I use inc100


Q: how did you get the isn?

A: Please look at the on-screen guide of Autel IM608.

Going to update CAS:

  1. The current CAS belongs to the CAS++ (ISTAP) version, need to be updated before OBD access.
  2. Suggest: Manually backup the original car FLASH and EEPROM data before performing this function.

autel im608 2010 bmw 328i akl obd cas3 istap 03 - Autel IM608 2010 BMW 328i AKL OBD Cas3++ ISTAP Success -


Q: what kind of key did you use?

A: Aftermarket.


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