Clone MSS60 with Ktag or Autohex II

Question: Just burnt my E92 2010 M3’s DME. Bought a used MSS60 but can’t match it to CAS…Which tool can do this?


What to do next?

Option 1. mss60 use ktm100 clone need to read 2 mcu in boot mode


Option 2. original ktag clone this ecu. I think clone same need read two mpc

check files.

clone MSS60 01 - Clone MSS60 with Ktag or Autohex II - Clone MSS60 with Ktag or Autohex II


Option 3.

You cannot clone an MSS60 from a 2010 M3 using KTAG or any inexpensive BDM tool. You will not be able to read from the processor on which the ISN/SK is stored. That processor can be read/written successfully using conventional BDM tools only on very early models.

Cloning can be done using OBDII-based tools but the ones that can achieve a high enough level of authorization to do it are very expensive (BMW Explorer, Autohex II).


How to clone a MSS60 with Microtronik Autohex II:

if you want to replace with used you can read isn from used and write to cas. then do coding for dme.

clone MSS60 02 - Clone MSS60 with Ktag or Autohex II - Clone MSS60 with Ktag or Autohex II

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