Xhorse Multi-Prog Read/ Write Automotive Electronic Module Instruction

How to read automotive electronic module with Xhorse Multi-Prog Programmer? Read this operation instruction to learn.


Xhorse Multi-PROG supports reading and writing common automotive immobilizer modules and other electronic modules.The software interface,as shown in pics,mainly contains functions for reading,writing and programming of immobilizer module,dashboard module,airbag module and other car body electronic modules.Select read/write option based on vehicle model specific electronic module type. The corresponding module circuit connection diagram is provided in the software.

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  • Multi-Prog Read & Write Porsche Module

Multi-PROG supports encrypted reading and writing of Porsche front-end modules.As shown in pics,when selecting’Anti-theft/Porsche’and reading the module,we usually choose the backup option corresponding to the chip mask to read.


Operation steps:

  1. Enter the Porsche menu option in the device software.
  2. Connect the Multi-PROG device,module and adapter,pay attention to see whether the actual module is a ceramic crystal or a metal crystal,use the corresponding connection method according to the crystal type,as shown in pic.
  3. Perform backup read,write,unlock and lock operations.

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  • Multi-Prog Read & Write VW Phideon Tire Pressure Module

Operation steps:

  1. Find the option corresponding to the tire pressure module, as shown in the pic.
  2. Solder the MCU cable to the module according to the diagram, and then connect the device, as shown in the pic.
  3. Use the device to read and write.

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