Autel IM508 “Illegal key ID! Error code: 1102”

Volkswagen Golf, mark 7, 2014.

Key programmed successfully with Autel IM508, can start the vehicle but the remote refused to program. Says illegal keys.

Used new Xhorse fob.

autel im508 illegal key id 675x900 - Autel IM508 “Illegal key ID! Error code: 1102” - Autel IM508 “Illegal key ID! Error code: 1102”


Possible reason and solution:

Autel can’t prepare dealer key for xhorse key.

You need any Xhorse key programmer to make dealer key since you have Xhorse key.


Someone said: Will be generating it then programming with autel. unless it’s changed, I know when doing MQB and u generate a MQB remote with xhorse that u need to program it with xhorse tool, like key tool plus.

like I said unless xhorse has changed it recently.


Autel and Xhorse tech support:

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