Easycoding for BMW and Rolls-Royce V1.4.0.151112 software download

Easycoding for BMW and Rolls-Royce new release V1.4.0.151112 software

Here is the software download link: ftp://ftp.ucandas.net/

With this update, it new add the following:

1. Online Upgrading Module is added.
2. VIN database of BMW is renewed to October of 2015.
3. VO modification function is added .
4. Single system CODING function is added which makes CODING available on new or used  ECUs.
5.  DEMO function is added.
6. Perfectly solve programming version after 2015.2 can not brush hidden problem.
7. Software presentation capabilities and online upgrades.
Personalization features
Visualization for commonly used BMW personalized settings, simple operation, support the restoration of the original state function, modify security.
Modify the original car VO function. 

It needs modify VO when you change low configuration for BMW to higher. Compared with expert version, this one new adds interpretation function for original VO.

Single system design code function
Support code matching function when you replace a new or second-hand ECU. Modified VO system also needs to be coded to take effect.

More information: http://www.obdexpress.co.uk/wholesale/easycoding-bmw-rolls-royce-diagnose-personalized-setting.html

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