One issue from user:WIS from DAS not run!!!
I installed WIS Standanlone 07/16 on XDOS 09/16.
WIS works good from desktop and from Xentry, but when i try start WIS from DAS i have error: “wis is not available on this system”
WIS Standalone works just perfect from Xentry and DAS,..from desktop icon too!
But there is one condition for the system that lots of people dont use,..or dont understand!
Some years ago Daimler start to link WIS documents through Xentry system properties!
This way all documents will be shown only if xentry is running,..and DAS was called through Xentry!
Forget DAS standalone exe, is easy to be used without runing xentry,..but it cannot link documents to WIS,SD media and TIPS
Another good tip: WIS not run in DAS help
Insert this folder (WIS_LINK) in
F:\Programm\DAS\Trees\PKW\Programm and
Before you make it rename the original folder.
And goto SDNC-Konfiguration-Server
mark Offline (WIS Standalone)
I hope it will help.