What is the AVDI recognized by Xentry?
Xentry Passthru is different from from regular Xentry openshell. Xentry passthru does not use SDconnect toolkit. When you launch the program it will give you a dropdown where you can choose which J2534 device (can be found at http://www.obdexpress.co.uk/) you want to use.
How to use Xentry Passthru?
If you got the Xentry Passthru installed, there is a tool which will do the dirty work for you.
Normally it is not linked or doesnt have desktop shortcut but resides (at least in my installation)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mercedes-Benz\xentry\bin\SelectPTDevice
IF you have installed your passthru (would that be AVDI or anything else) with correct drivers, registry entries etc it will just present you with list of options and you select your VCI from dropdown list.
Heard good things about AVDI J2534 compatibility (real thing, don’t know about clones) so it shouldn’t be a big deal. Recently i have tried to use BOSCH KTS560 as passthru and it works perfectly okay.
For curiosity, i did also test the 20-euro MiniVCI that gets normally bundled with Toyota techstream packages. to my surprise it also works albeit slow and sometimes freezes the application. This one can be actually made to work even with old DAS like 2009, 2012….it’s just matter of proper settings in cal.ini and slave.ini
For DAS/Xentry users:
Old thread – but do not run the SetPassThruDAS.exe, as it was written for DAS/Xentry for Windows XP, and not Openshell or Xentry Passthru. All you need to do is install a fresh OS (Windows 7 Enterprise x86 or x64 SP1) ideally on a physical laptop, connect the AVDI device to the USB port and run the SetupInterface_yourserialnumber_PASSTHRU_xxxxxxx.exe and Next through the setup process. If you have a current version of the Passthru software, you will see a grayed out option for installing drivers for DAS that you cannot select, but do not be concerned about that. It will detect the AVDI, and install the appropriate J2534 dll files in the Windows\System32 directory. Then continue installing your Passthru software provided on the Blu-ray from Daimler. It will take a while to install, and once it verifies your hardware ID and installs your StartKey, launch Xentry Passthru from the icon it creates, and it will prompt you first thing as to what interface you want to use. You will see Abritus72 AVDI PT (your serial number here) in the drop down box. Select that device, and that is all their is to it. Xentry should automatically communicate with the vehicle.