How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable?


Here is the info i have found on the Internet from MPPS V18 china device.


MPPS V18 PCB Schematics

MPPS V18 PCB schematic 600x356 - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable? - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable?

MPPS V18 Tricore Cable Pinout

MPPS V18 tricore pinout 600x450 - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable? - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable?

MPPS V18 tricore cable pinout 600x338 - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable? - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable?


Some problems on China mpps v18 maybe on new ones it is solved:

ON the tricore cable the +12v switch is only on t he pin 16 of the obd female, so it cuts +12v only on the tool the ecu is always poweered for solve it you can put a switch for cutting all positives and other for minor positives.

Boot wire have no resistor to ground.


And this is a Tricore cable of high quality and tested good

mpps v18 tricore boot 1 600x450 - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable? - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable? mpps v18 tricore boot 2 600x450 - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable? - How to repair MPPS V18 Tricore cable?

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