Autek IKey820 OBD key programmer user manual: car coverage, function list, system coverage, activation and update.
Autek IKey820 is a popular OBD key programmer for all makes, it features in:
- allowing the user to choose by vehicle or by system.
- provide pin code reading service for many car models.
- can program key for many models without pin code.
- no tokens
- online update for free
Part 1: Autek IKey820 key programmer coverage and functions
Turn on Autek IKey820, come to the menu options: key programmer, settings, activate, about.
Autek IKey820 Function list ( Make, model, year, pincode, key, remote, functions)
Here take several car brands / models for example.
Choose ” key programmer”, then car model i.e “Audi”.
Choose “By system”, then perform: read pin code, key and remote.
Read pin code, you have type 1 to type 4 options.
Back to choose “By Vehicle”, and you can see it has A3, A4 and S4.
Go to “Citroen”.
It has the capabilities of “Key (programming)” and “Read pin code”
Read pin code and has “type 1” option.
Back to “Key” option and have type 1 to type 6.
Here more models for examples:
– Autek IKey820 on Ferrari
Function: Read pin code, Key and Remote.
Supported models: 458, F122 and F149.
– Autek IKey820 on Fiat
Coverage: Bravo, 500, 500x, Freemont, Palio, Perla, Siena, Viaggio,
Functions: Read pin code, key, keyless, remote etc.
– Autek IKey820 on Ford
200 Ford models are supported.
– Autek IKey820 on Jaguar
coverage: S-type, XF, XJ, XJ8, X-Type
Jaguar key programming coverage
Type 1, type 2, type 3, F-type 2014 –
*Autek IKey820 can work with too many car models, this post can’t list all.
Part 2: Autek IKey820 activation
Use the USB cable to connect Autek IKey820 to the computer with internet connection.
Open the software “Autek Ikey 820 Update tool”.
Choose “Activate” and get instruction to follow.
Back to ” Update tool” and input your REQUEST -CODE.
Click on “Activate”.
Input your ANS CODE.
Activation succeed.
Part 3: Autek IKey820 update
Use a USB cable to connect Autek Ikey820 to the computer.
Open the software “Ikey 820 Update tool”, click on “Update” button.
Wait until it succeeds.
That’s all