Flash Renault Bosch EDC16 ECU with FGTech Galletto 4 Master via BDM

Following is an instruction on flashing Renault Bosch EDC16 ECU with V54 FgTech Galletto 4 Master ECU remapping tool via BDM.

Same procedure applied to all EDC16 ECUs.

FGTECH Galletto 4 mater ECU remapping/tuning kit
A Win XP laptop with no anti-virus software and network connection


Setup boot and BDM

Carefully align with the BDM Port ECU programming spring adapter/probe drop and secure frame

Well connect FGTECH ecu programmer with boot and BDM etc

Or check the connection diagram below:

Make sure everything is connected correctly, as in your PDF file

Open FGTECH software
Check the voltage and make sure you have at least 12V+ voltage feeding the tuning kit and adapter

Click “Select Driver”
Click “BMD-Jtag”

Click “Connect”
Switch intermediate adapter ON, the red LED indicator will flash

If well communication is built, green bar will start loading and finally display ECU information.
Ready to read and write ECU
Click “Read Eeprom” to read eeprom.
Select “Write Eeprom”, follow the system prompts.

NOTE: Do not remove the FGTech galletto during the programming processes.

Turn the switch off when complete write ECU.
Exit FgTech Galletto Master V54 software program

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